Scottish Mining Website

Surname Index

This index contain names listed on the site including non-fatal accidents, men involved in rescue attempts, people who gave evidence at inquiries etc. It excludes known fatal accidents (which are indexed in the Accidents section). Some names listed may have died in the accident but this has not been confirmed with a death certificate.

IMPORTANT - these indexes are no longer being actively updated - please use custom Google search instead

To locate further details of the person mentioned we suggest you go to the page specified and either scroll down to the date listed or use Control+F to search for the name - some name listed are only mentioned briefly within a report.

Name Surname Year Month Day Place Page
Barbara Ure 1933 March 9 Furnaceyard Lothians accident pages
John Ure 1882 May 15 Udston Udston 1882 Page
Robert Ure 1923 September 25 Redding Redding 1923
Robert Valentine 1929 August 1 Prestonlinks Lothians Accident pages
William Valentine 1890 December 9 Allanshaw Hamilton accident pages
Alexander Vallance 1898 March 11 Auldhouseburn Auldhouseburn 1898
Daniel Vance 1930 December 11 Enterkine Ayrshire accidents
James Vance 1847 October 11 Auchincruive Ayrshire accidents
John Vance 1847 October 11 Auchincruive Ayrshire accidents
John Vance 1930 December 11 Enterkine Ayrshire accidents
Andrew Vickers 1886 February 2 Lassodie Beath Accidents

Last Updated 2nd December 2010