Westwood's Parochial Directory for the Counties of Fife and Kinross, 1862

Parish of Aberdour.

The Parish Of Aberdour is situated on the south coast of the County, and overlooks a fine bend of the Firth of Forth. The word, "Aberdour," is from the Gaelic, and signifies the mouth of the water Dour, a small rivulet which is here emptied into the Forth. The Parish comprehends about 3 miles of coast, with an average breadth of the same distance, and comprises an area of about 5000 acres. It joins Dalgetty and Dunfermline parishes on the west, Burntisland and Auchtertool on the east, and Beath, Auchtertool, and Dunfermline on the north. The island of Inchcolm in the Firth of Forth, lying to the south two miles from land, and a small detached district called Kilrie Yetts, about four or five miles to the eastward, also belong to it. A ridge of hills runs through the main body of the Parish, in a direction nearly parallel to the coast. The tract to the north of this lies comparatively high, with a cold sour soil; but the tract to the south is genial and generous, and exhibits a profusion of both natural and artificial beauty. The western part of the Parish rises gently into the interior, and is feathered and flecked with wood; the centre is indented by the sandy, wood-girt, finely sheltered bay of Aberdour; and the eastern part is steep and rugged, with shaggy sheets of wood down to the water's edge, and is traversed through its glades and across its braes by walks, which command most picturesque prospects of the Firth and its southern seaboard, and of the hills of Edinburgh and the Pentlands. The principal Land-owners are the Earl of Moray and the Earl of Morton, the residence of the latter being Aberdour House, which is the chief mansion in the Parish.

At the embouchure of the Dour into the Firth of Forth, there is a Harbour which admits vessels of 200 tons burden. Though not large, as many as twenty-five vessels of all sizes have been crowded into it at one time. The principal article of export is coal, of which 150,000 tons have been exported in one year by the Donibristle Coal Company. The imports are small, the chief article being manure for the farmers of the district.

The village, which contains a Post-Office, lies a few hundred yards from the Coast, and 34 miles from Burntisland; properly speaking, it comprises three distinct villages, viz., Easter, Wester, and Newtown of Aberdour, but they are all so contiguous as to warrant a common name being applied to them. Easter Aberdour is the original village, Wester Aberdour belonged to the Monastery of Inchcolm, and was made a Burgh of Barony, holding from the Abbot in 1500. Aberdour is not a parish where much business is carried on, though coarse cloth is manufactured to a small extent; red sandstone, coal, and lime, are wrought somewhat extensively, and there is a Saw Mill; but it is as a bathing resort for summer visitors that Aberdour is best known, many of them adapting their houses for the reception of lodgers during the season, and as it has daily communication by steam with Edinburgh, its shores are a favourite retreat to the inhabitants of the Scottish capital, who there seek relaxation and leisure during the heats of summer.

POST-OFFICE, Aberdour, John Chisholm, Post Master. - Letters from all parts arrive (from Edinburgh) every morning at ten, and in the afternoon at half-past six; and are despatched every morning at six, and in the afternoon at two. Money Order Office open from nine till six in the evening.

Ballantyne, Wm., High Street
M'Culloch, John, do

Bairdner, J., Crossroads, Balmule
Cunningham, John, Easter Aberdour
Davie, James, Kilrie Yetts
Forbes, Alexander, High Street

Cowan, John, High Street
White, John, do
White, Gavine, do


To Dunfermline, Mrs Wilson, Tuesday and Friday (on foot, small parcels)
To Edinburgh, Betty Cruikshank, Tuesday
To Kirkcaldy, Inverkeithing, and Burntisland, J. Schoolbraid, Tuesday and Friday

Anderson, Wm., Easter Aberdour
Butters, George, do
Black, James, do
Cavens, Thomas, Manse Street
Gibson, John, High Street
Hendrick, James, Manse Street
Kellock, James, Easter Aberdour
Leitch, John, High Street
Lyon, Joseph, Cowdenend
Mitchell, James, High Street
Robertson, Charles, do
Reid, John, do
Wilkie, Hugh, do

Roddick, Rev. George, Parish Church, Manse Street
Ross, Rev. Wm., Free Church, Manse, High Street

Sinclair, Isabella, High Street.
Stewart, Johnstone, do

Alexander, Miss, High Street
Kirkham, Miss, Manse Street
M'Vicar, Miss Isabella, Sea-side Place

Auld, James, High Street
Auld, Jabez, do

Adamson, J. & D., Linhead
Barr, James, Manse Street
Butters, Hugh, Nether Bucklyvie
Burn, J. H., Esq., Cuttlehill House
Catton, John, Little Couston
Cunningham, Thomas, Dalachy
Coventry, Wm., Pleasance
Cairns, Robert, Boupry
Horn, Ebenezer, Scotswalls
Kennedy, Peter, (and Grazier) High Street
Kelly, Alexander, Croftgarry
Liddle, James, Beverkae, (resides in Auchtertool)
Nasmyth, J. A., Bucklyvie
Normand, James, Esq., Whitehill
Patterson, Henry, Balmule
Paxton, John, Moonziehall
Russell, James, Templehall
Russell, James, Culalloe
Sime, George, Couston
Thomson, James, Humbie

Barr, Miss Janet, Manse Street
Bridges, Henry, do
Barr, Wm., High Street
Candlish, Miss, Manse Street
Cowan, John, High Street
Duncan, Miss Mary, Sea-side Place
Flockhart, Ninian, do
Flockhart, James, do
Henderson, Miss C., Manse Street
Hendrick, James, do
Kirkham, Mrs, do
Livingstone, James, Sea-side Place
Lindsay, James, do
M'Arthur, Mrs, do
M'Vicar, Miss Mary, do
Mercer, John, High Street
Moodie, Mrs, do
Ogilvie, Miss, Sea-side Place
Peacock, Mrs, Manse Street
Patterson, Miss, do
Sands, Mrs, High Street
Wilkie, David, do
Wilson, James, do
Wilson, Robert, do
In addition to the above, a number of parties let out one or two rooms during the season.

Bogle, Captain, R. N., (retired) Sea-side Cottage
Kinnear, Mrs, Sea-bank House
Lee, Mrs, Sea-side Place
Morton, Earl of, Aberdour House, (non-resident)
Nasmyth, J. A., Esq., Bucklyvie
Normand, James, Esq., Whitehill
Stevenson, Miss, Sea-side Place
Taylor, James, Surgeon, (retired) do
Wilson, Robert, Esq., Aberdour House Witherspoon, Wm., Esq., S. S. C., Hillside

Those marked thus*are also Spirit Dealers.
Andrew, John, Coaledge
Barr, Mrs, Easter Aberdour
Barr, Charles, High Street
*Cumming, James, do (Wines)
Drysdale, Thomas, do
*Goodsir, John, do
Rolland, Arch., Store Keeper, Donibristle Colliery
Sands, Mrs, High Street
*Venters, Peter, Easter Aberdour

Catton, John, Aberdour Hotel, High Street (post gigs and horses)
Greig, Andrew, Bell Inn, High Street

Those marked thus * are also Contractors, marked thus + are also Cabinet-makers.
Campbell, Robert, Easter Aberdour
Christie, David, Kilrie Yetts
*Dewar, George, High Street Dow, Robert, Easter Aberdour
+*Flockhart, James, Sea-side Place

Hay, Robert, & Son, High Street
Mercer, Wm., Manse Street

Drysdale, James, Medical Officer to Poor Law Board, Manse Street
White, G. L., M.D., Sea-side Place

Drysdale, Thomas, High Street
Kean, John, do

Aberdour Horticultural Society, James Pringle, Secretary (1860)
Aberdour & Dalgetty Curling Club, Peter Kennedy, Secretary (1860)

Brown, David, Whitehill Toll-Bar
Orrock, Robert, High Street
Moor, George, do
Reid, Charles, Puddledub
Scotland, David, High Street

Bridges, Miss A., High Street, Free Church School
Dewar, Peter, Donibristle Coal Coy.'s School
Pringle, James, High Street, Parish School
Thomson, John, High Street, Free Church School

Blaik, James, High Street
Morrison, Mrs, Easter Aberdour
Rattray, William, Shore Road
Williamson, Mrs, Coaledge

WRIGHTS, See Joiners.

Asher, James, Clerk and Collector of Poor Rates for Dalgetty Parish, High Street
Chisholm, John, Parochial Librarian, Agent for the Scottish Fire & Life Insurance Co., and Sanitory Inspector, High Street
Campbell, Robert, Saw-Mill Owner, Easter Aberdour
Currie, Mrs, Midwife, Easter Aberdour
Currie, Robert, Veterinary Surgeon, do
Flockhart, Ninian, Inspector of Poor & Collector of Poors' Rates
Grieve & Nasmyth, Donibristle Coal Co.
Lindsay, James, Gardener, Sea-side Place
M'Kay, John, Shipping Clerk for Donibristle Colliery, High Street
M'Lauchlan, John, Shipmaster, High Street Moor, George, Parish Beadle, High Street
Pringle, James, Session Clerk & Registrar for the Parish of Aberdour, Parochial Schoolhouse
Reid, James, Grazier, Easter Aberdour
Wren, George, Corn Merchant, Manse Street, (business in Leith)
Wilson, James, Post Runner, High Street